5 Questions With Jonathan Cavaliere Of Mr. Cavaliere


Millennial muses possess a keen editorial eye and a willingness to try new trends, and for that, we thought we would spotlight another personal favourite.

Jonathan Cavaliere’s love of all things lifestyle fills our feeds with a healthy dose of daily inspiration. With nods to food and adventure, this is one blog you absolutely need to bookmark.

Here are 5 questions (and answers) with Jonathan Cavaliere of Mr. Cavaliere.


1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your blog? 

“I have always been a menswear enthusiast, so starting Mr. Cavaliere was a way to document my style progression during my time in fashion school. Now the site has grown from a personal style blog to a place with curated style tips and tricks on how to dress and live better.”

2. What Instagram filter or editing app do you swear by?

“For a majority of the photo editing that I do, I actually use the iPhone preset filters! For me, it’s more important to make sure that the lighting is just right, the picture is sharp, and the image atmosphere is aligned with the way I want it to feel.”

3. What are your top five favourite cities, and what trips do you have lined up this year?

My top 5 favourite places definitely are Shanghai, China, Florence, Italy, Mykonos, Greece, New York, USA and Belo Horizonte, Brazil. This year, I’m hoping to plan a trip to a European destination! Typically, with my line of work, trips pop up unexpectedly, so I am excited to see what the future holds.”

4.  What city or country served you the best meal, and what was it?

“As I am a huge fan of Mediterranean cuisine, Mykonos had some of the best Greek food I have ever had. Not only is it healthy for you, but it’s also delicious! Whether I had gyros, souvlaki, or just pita and tzatziki, I often found myself savouring every bite.”

5. What are a few things you miss the most when you’re away from home?  

“I often miss the little unique quirks that only home can provide. I miss the comfort and familiarity of my bedroom, when it’s time to rest. As a menswear enthusiast, I often miss my wardrobe and being able to wear whatever fits my mood. Lastly, I miss how multicultural our city is. Whenever I come home and see so many people with different nationalities living in harmony, I’m reminded of how great it is to live in Toronto!”
